Sunday, April 8, 2012

Stop Trying to Make Introverts into Extroverts

1 out of every 2 or 3 people is an introvert. Yet our schools, workplaces and social situations are designed around and for extroverts.Susan Cain's powerful Ted talk advocates for the power of introverts.

Solitude is important, and I know my introverted kid feels the pressure to be an extrovert -- something he is not. Wanting to go off by himself is a "problem" to be discussed at parent-teacher conferences. When he says he wants to work "independently" on a project it's frowned upon.

You all know introverts. (I know you do -- you know me, and some of you know my husband and my son. Introverts all.) I especially implore those of you in education to learn more about the care and feeding of the souls of introverts.


  1. Oddly, I am probably far more of an introvert than you would think.

  2. thank you for helping me know my husband better!-shosh

  3. Really good post - Ardath and I both liked Cain's talk and identified with what she was saying. Evan's introversion runs deep - not only his Mom and Dad but also 2 grandparents on my side.

    It's interesting but understandable how introverts often become ministers (or Rabbis) and college profs. Less thoughtful people look to them for wisdom and reminders of what's really important. Does the same go for bloggers?
