Saturday, April 7, 2012

I'm a glommer

Anyone who's known me for any length of time knows that I latch onto things -- bands, authors, styles, ideas -- and border on near obsession until I move onto the next thing. I'll listen to one band exclusively for a while and then move on to another and do the same thing. I prefer to watch all my TV on Netflix because I can watch an entire series. When I like one book by an author I read all of his or her other works.

It's an interesting way to move through life, but I imagine that those close to me get annoyed. But, Susan, you were so into such-and-such just last week.

Some things do last longer than a moment, but I still go through phases of obsession-lite with them. Example: I've been a fan of Green Day since 1994. My BFF and I listened to their album "Dookie" (on cassette!) for much of my road trip/move to Colorado that year. But for the past two weeks, almost 18 years later, they have been the soundtrack of my life. They match my mood -- working too hard and too long; and the grand "fuck you!" they send out to politicians and general backasswards American idiocy. It helps that their main creative driver -- Billie Joe Armstrong -- is my age. Yes, his songs speak to disaffected teenagers, but they also speak to 40-somethings.

Green Day makes me wish I had taken my teenage rebellion further.
I felt a lot like this in the late 80s/early 90s:

But I looked more like this:

And now that I'm 40 and working in a corporate cubicle farm, going this direction:

Well, just no.

Besides, before the hair dye grew out I'd be glomming onto something else.

In case you're interested, some Green Day videos that are very dialed into the current sentiment:

21st Century Breakdown
I praise liberty
The "freedom to obey"
Is the song that strangles me
Don't cross the line

Dream, America dream
I can't even sleep
From the light's early dawn

Scream, America scream
Believe what you see
From heroes and cons

Jesus of Suburbia
"I'm the son of rage and love
The Jesus of Suburbia
From the bible of none of the above
On a steady diet of
Soda pop and Ritalin
No one ever dies for my sins in hell
As far as I can tell"

Basket Case
"Do you have the time
to listen to me whine
about nothing and everything all at once?

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