Thursday, December 1, 2011

Starting Fresh - A Housekeeper's Tale of Woe

Some wishes you don't want to come true. Every once in a while I'd like for my house and all of the stuff -- the clutter I can't control; the papers that pile higher and higher -- to just disappear. It's not that I'm a terrible housekeeper. I won't be up for a starring role in "Hoarders" any time soon, thankyouverymuch. But I'm not a talented housekeeper and it gets away from me way too often.

Of course, it doesn't help that there is a constant influx of stuff from two very short people who seem to shed articles of clothing at every doorway and have more books andLego and Hot Wheels cars and stuffed animals than anyone needs. (OK. I will not rag too hard on the children for their books...they're just copying their mum.)

But we all survived for 8 full days and nights on one suitcase plus one backpack-full each. I had 90% of what I needed for work in my personal entertainment in my laptop, phone, And now, of course, those suitcases and backpacks and their contents are now spread around the living room, waiting the Cleaning Genie to put them in their rightful places.

So I am on a mission -- before that fateful day of my 40th birthday -- to reduce, let someone else reuse and recycle our bounty to those who might need it more.

Trouble is, the woman who built this cluttered and messy house over the past 10 years has no idea where to start to undo it. If you've got some ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Of course, my first instinct is a book!

Anyone got a match?

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