Friday, March 23, 2012

I am Not Trayvon Martin

As a 40-year old white woman living in a mostly white city in northern Colorado, I cannot know what it was like to be Trayvon Martin.

He was a 17-year-young black kid in a hoodie walking home with Skittles and a soda.
He was followed because George Zimmerman, a self-appointed neighborhood watch captain armed with a handgun, found him suspicious.
He was wearing a hoodie, and after a short confrontation,
He was shot to death.

"Our son is your son..." his parents said at the March 21st NYC rally.

Take a breath, think about your child and read that again: "Our son is your son..."

Watch the video here:

It's heartbreaking, and don't think for one minute that your suburban white boy is safe from the next George Zimmerman.

"Our son is your son..."

May justice be done.

1 comment:

  1. So, this bothered me, did I tell you about it on fb? I can't remember. No, I never pretended to think I am Trayvon Martin. It bothered me, because I have mostly "trayvon martins" in my classes. I know those boys. I love those boys. They are my boys. They will graduate and come back and find me and give me a hug, and say hi everything is awesome. But those boys know far more about the world than I ever can.
